"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people." Carl Jung
RoHun Therapy is rapid acting transpersonal psychology. It was gifted to Delphi University students by our teacher and friend, Dr. Patricia Hayes, who spent time channelling, researching and developing it since 1983. It unlocks the sacred potential in everyone seeking spiritual awakening. RoHun is the science of the Soul.
It is a journey of enlightenment to reach higher dimensions of love and wisdom. RoHun Therapy purifies our thoughts and emotions by dropping the veils that disconnect us from our pure spirit. It energizes our Higher Self, clarifies our direction in life and transforms limitations into freedom. Moreover, it creates a safe space for healthy relationships, opens our heart to forgiveness and rejuvenates the physical and energetic bodies.
Once you start your journey with the Purification Process, The-Caged-One must be scheduled within one to three months later. After which, you may pace yourself in the process to answer the call of your Spirit. At the end of each healing modality, you will receive a detailed report about the outstanding clearing in each session.
Sign Up for the beautiful journey of RoHun
Sign upAre you ready to find the key to unlock your Prisoned-Self?
Are you ready to revolutionize your life?
Phase II
Phase III

Your Journey
the infinite freedom.